Highschool Premier
Quincy United High School soccer is a premier-level, year-round program designed for the serious High School age player who is committed to furthering his or her soccer development. Professional coaches focus on player development and improvement.
- Tryouts required
- US Club Soccer registration
- Year-round play
- Professional coaching
- 3-4 Training sessions per week
- 1-2 weekend games
- Up to 10 Washington Premier League games per season
- Participation in tournaments
- Most practices and home games held conveniently Quincy School District fields.
- College Development
- Recruiting assitance
- Video availability
Players in High school 9th-12th grade
Boys HS season is held during Fall, Summer and Winter.
Girls HS season is held during Spring, Summer and Winter.
Trainings are held at Lauzier Park home games are played at either Quincy School District fields or Lauzier Park. Away games locations vary depending on division placement.
Trainings practice 3-4 times per week.
There are typically 8-10 games during each season of league play, half of which are played at home, the other half are played away. Away games locations vary depending on division placement.
All Uniforms are purchased via Soccer.com
Registration Cost
Registration Cost $275.00 per player. There is two payment options.
Option 1 Pay in full
Option 2
Initial deposit payment of $175.00 followed by one payment of $100.00
2025-2026 Attending HS
Tryouts are in early May!
Registration opens in early June